Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fresh Round of Goodbyes

Salam to all...

Well the time has come to again say goodbye to my beloved Aussie and head back to the dust, heat and plume of cigarette smoke that is Amman.

So what are the plans?
Insha'allah its looking like three months Jordan, three months Egypt and then a brief sojourn in Morocco, and finally, back home.

I've not fully finished packing, so I better get to it. I've got a nice supply going on (NCC Dinosaurs, Chocolate - two varieties - Jols, homemade muffins - yes I made them myself - croissant, dates, and finally gingerbread men). God love Pattersons Pattisserie! I live to think I'm prepared for a very healthy iftar.

Please all, make du'a for my safe travels and safe return and insha'allah I'll be making du'a for you all.

Ma'a salama and much love.

By the way, I know I never got around to posting on Dubai - my laptop "gave up the ghost" as HY would say.

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