Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day One...

Went without sleep last night. Picked up at 3am by Dad and the driver. Transported to an amazing hotel. Its like another world – honestly you could forget you were in Cairo... If only you didn’t see the pyramids from your bed in the morning.

My room and its view...

After very little sleep (2 hours maybe), headed off to breakfast, and with time to spare before the driver arrived for the day took a quick dip in the pool – which is sub-zero! After that, quick shower and the driver called to announce his arrival.

Up in the mini-bus we head across the city to the Citadel of Salahudin Ayoubi and the 19th century mosque of Muhammed Ali. From the Citadel we could see out over Cairo – the pollution clouding the skyline, the Mosque of Al-Azhar, the wide expanse of the City of the Dead.

Brief stop at Khan el-Khalili. Originally a stop for passing caravans collecting water as the passed over the desert sands now its a super tourist oriented shopping joint. Pretty much anything can be found in the narrow winding lanes, complete with the customary shopkeeper harassment.

From the Khan we went of to lunch on the Nile which was nice and from there to the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities. What a crazy place. There is stuff everywhere – most of it unlabelled. Amazing. Our guide was great, but by the end of it, it was all we could do to keep our eyes open on the way back to the hotel.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

21 Days

Egypt is cold this week, very cold. Currently I’m sitting on my couch wearing trackies, thick snow socks, a thermal top, two jumpers and a cap – and I’m still cold. My feet are numb and my nose is starting to run... Whoever told me Egypt was warm even in winter was a big fat liar... Wouldn’t mind having the thermals back that I gave away in Jordan, but at least I still have my Uggs...

Last weekend went shopping for clothes in Giza, which was an interesting experience. Got some good deals on some skirts, so I left happy. After shopping we decided to go eat, but we needed an atm first. So we (the four of us) decided to get an Egyptian motorcycle taxi – let me make this very clear, they are not made for four reasonable sized women.... After having to back in butt first, I ended up on the lap of one of the girls - my own legs hanging out the side of the cab – which if you know anything about Egyptian driving/traffic, you know I am very lucky to still be connected to my dear little legs. Three near misses later – yes on each occasion my legs were almost crushed, first by a bus, secondly by a motocycle, and thirdly by a parked car – we got to the back, and after a brief argument with the driver who wanted us to pay more than we’d agreed because he’d worked out we were foreign we got some money and finally grabbed some food. Now I just need to find a tailor who won’t charge me an arm and a leg to get my skirts taken up...

Other than shopping, my week has been the same as every other week. Class, homework, sleep, class, homework, sleep... you get the picture. Been trying to find a freighting company to get some stuff home, but it is so unbelievably expensive here – more than Jordan even. Oh and I got cornbraids – hurt like hell! Thank God I have white woman hair, if it were a necessity to go through that every week or two I’d probably just shave my head! Does look nice though.

Much Love and Ma’a Salama