Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New House

Photos from our place in Egypt. Al-hamdoulillah its a nice place...

My room...


Dining room...

Lounge (with TV *yay*!)

My beautiful balcony (with SWING!!!!)

As usual blogger is being a pain in the butt for me uploading the pics, so probably will try to put up one or two a day until they are all here.

Much love and ma'a salama

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Second day in Cairo.

After seeing the apartment we looked at on the first day and being told interesting stories about the travails of finding a decent place to live in Cairo we decided to check out a place (very) close to the centre (less than a 1.5minute walk) even though the rent was out of our price range at 3000LE/month. It was a nice place, 2 bed, lounge, kitchen, bathroom, nice balcony, 3rd floor with elevator (!) – and most importantly relatively clean. After bargaining with the owner we got the price to 2500LE and decided to take it. So within a couple of hours we moved in our stuff – then we discovered the cockroaches in the kitchen (apparently it is completely normal for entire houses to be infested with roaches and we were “fortunate” that they tucked themselves away in one cupboard).

We went back to the centre and completed a little more of the exam before we decided to go to the Mall and buy everything for the house. We discovered that we were collectively broke. I had already changed all my JDs and ended up with very little, and while my flatmate couldn’t access her account (the bank barred it because she didn’t inform them she was travelling to Egypt) I had no money in mine. Anyway, we managed to stretch the JDs to buy all the cleaning stuff (all together A$65 – and we bought a hell of a lot of stuff). We spent the rest of the night (9-1am) cleaning – not that we finished everything. The bathroom alone took 2.5hours, and its tiny!

Third Day.

Went to the centre and completed the exam. Its not that it was hard or even very complicated – in fact it was very simple... But four exams in 1 week is far to many! My brain is fried. After the exam we set out to the bank, picked up some lunch and made our way back to the mall to buy the rest of the stuff we didn’t bother with the day before. Finally home, we finished the cleaning and went to bed to tired to eat.

Which brings me to today – relatively boring.

Went to a near-by mall and picked up a few more things – I am still unable to get over how cheap everything is in Egypt compared to Jordan (except rent – that’s expensive). We bought a good quality iron for A$7 brand new! Then to the centre to find out about our classes. They have put me and my flattie in the same level which is dumb to say the least – she completed the program (1yr) at the centre in Jordan, while I only completed 2 skills levels and three grammar levels... She is far more advanced than I. Even looking at the books we have been allocated, we have covered it all – in level one! We are left wondering if they even looked at the entrance exam we sat, because apparently if you get more than 70% (which we both managed easily) you are in level three or higher – we are in level two!

Anyway, class starts on Sunday...

Thoughts on Egypt – the good the bad and the ugly:

- Super busy/polluted and super crazy traffic at all hours
- The weirdness of the adhan (call to prayer), all the mosques call it at different times (sometimes up to an hour apart) – how the hell am I supposed to know when to pray?
- Taxis not having meters – agreeing a price with you and then changing their minds halfway through the journey ensuring an argument... Annoying to say the least!
- Beds that feel like the mattresses are filled with sand... Every morning brings a new type of agony you have never experienced before!
- Not having internet at home
- The water here has so much chlorine in it you feel like you have accidently swallowed in the pool while brushing your teeth or you are actually in the pool while showering.
- Hearing nasty nasty horror stories from female students about riding taxis – I’m talking drivers pleasuring themselves while trying to engage the sisters in conversation! Eww...
- Most places open 24hours – this city never sleeps!
- Food and household items are super cheap
- Our amazing apartment – especially the elevator... Would not have liked to have to carry the shopping up three floors... Oh and the swing on the balcony – beautiful in the morning sun.
- Fresh fruit juices – I’m sure when I find them they’ll be excellent!

Hope everyong is enjoying the holidays. Photos of the new place will probably go up on Sunday.

Much love and Ma'a salama

Monday, December 22, 2008


Salam all

Arrived in Egypt early this morning - wasn't even out of the plane before I managed to get my first marriage proposal of the day! lol

Haven't sorted an appartment, but one of the girls who was in Jordan some time ago has kindly decided to put us up till we can organise an appartment. So my travelling companion and I shall share a room until further notice insha'Allah.

We looked at one appartment today that was just terrible - the floor was sticky and brown, the furniture worse than anything I've ever seen at vinnies and a serious roach problem - and thats just the beginning! We are looking at one tomorrow and also finishing off the entrance exam. Finished half of it al-hamdoulillah, but to intensly brain-dead to get anywhere on the second half...

Anyway, time for showering and sleeping - did I mention that there is water pressure in this country? Al-hamdoulillah

Much love and ma'a salama

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Peace all!

Tonight is my last night in Jordan Al-hamdoulillahi Rabbil 'Aalamin!

Checked in my suitcases early this morning - reason being you get an extra 10kg in weight allowance for FREE! But it wasn't a big deal because I only had 36kg (limit 20) but my travelling companion had 56kg! Seriously Americans do NOT understand the meaning of weight limits subhan'Allah!

So after that it was the final goodbye to my teachers and the staff (mainly the admin staff and female teachers to be honest). Then on to the khatm (for the sisters who took their ijaza in tajweed, masha'Allah they are amazing)... Then on to an arab wedding, lol. It was quite nice, very loud, lots of aunties, several proposals - kidding! It was segregated (before you rabid segregationists all attempt to kill me)... So yeah, just got home. Said goodbye to my favourite two ladies who will stay in Jordan (insha'Allah I will see you two again either in Egypt or if I ever make the trek to the USA).


EGYPT HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! w00t!

I leave at 5am, its already 11pm. Gotta clean my room, what joy.

Insha'Allah all are well, seasons greetings and enjoy the festivities and new year.

Much Love and Ma'a Salama

Friday, December 5, 2008

Getting there...

So I ended up taking the re-take for the med-term last Saturday - looks like it went relatively well, but I haven't got the final mark for it yet. Khayr Insha'allah.

Two of my flatties left to go home for Eid today. I won't see them again before I leave for Egypt so I had a little sooki-lala moment and it took quite a while for them to get out the door. They are such beautiful girls masha'allah. I promised to visit them in Turkey one day, so insha'Allah I'll get there.

Last day of class today. Al-Hamdoulillah! I'm so glad its over. I'll take my final on Saturday insha'Allah and then jet of to Palestine for Eid on Sunday. I'm terribly excited, but I need to go to the bank again - which seems to be becoming a more and more depressing excursion as time goes on.

I think its beginning to hit me how much I'm going to miss some of my very wonderful sisters from here. Certainly not all, but some definitely. Its kind of sad actually. Probably the worst part about studying and living abroad. Sometimes its just easier not to think about the fact that "the end" means leaving behind some of the best people you've ever met. Insha'allah I'll see them again someday.... I'm try to convince them that a mass visit to Australia is required lol. So I'm doing my bit for the economy! ;)

Insha'Allah all is well. Please make du'a for my final (I really don't want to have to re-take after the Eid), my safe journeying and also for Umm Khadija who is due to give birth on the 15th of Dec insha'Allah.

Much Love and Ma'a salama