Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ramadan Mubarak to all...

Today (Saturday) is the first day of Ramadan here in Oman. And as with every other year I can remember (for Ramadan anywhere I've been at the time), today is mercifully cooler than yesterday, subha'Allah. There is a sweet breeze, and although the sun is still singing everything it touches, the heat is not quite so oppressive.

Work hours are reduced to 6 hours per day in Ramadan by Ministerial Decree - beautiful! I finished work for the day about 40mins ago and am at home "resting". No one is allowed to eat in public here (I'm led to believe you could actually be arrested) - with the exception of little children - which is definitely a new experience. I'm living in a foodless, waterless world at the moment lol

I'm wondering if I'll have the energy to go swimming this afternoon - it certainly sounds tempting. But I've been invited to an iftaar (fast-breaking meal) and its probably a little rude if I scoff a date, sip some water and run off to the pool. This means that by the time I've actually eaten there won't be much time for swimming once the food settles - unless I want minimal sleep again tonight. Oh the decisions we have to make!

Al-hamdoulillah despite missing suhur (morning meal taken before the fast begins) today I'm not feeling to bad - a little dehydrated but nothing to serious. Going shopping in a couple of minutes for some last minute goodies (plus I need a box of choccies for my lovely host this evening). The down side of all this arriving and spending is that I'm now virtually penniless till payday (ok, so I have A$100 about RO29)... this means no vacuum cleaner, no water dispenser and no more candy purchases! Good thing Ramadan is a cheap month for food!

Much love and Ma'a salama


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ramadan Mubarak love! You will be missed at Bukhari House! InshaAllah the Ramadan vibes are inspiring in Oman as they are in Sydney, if not even better. What a beautiful month to be in... Alhamdulillah :)