Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I'm leaving tomorrow evening for Jordan. Beginning to feel a little nervous (mostly about flying with Emirates - I've heard to many bad stories in the past week), but totally excited (about arriving in Amman).
I've pretty much packed... Yes, I know - it's a compulsion. I've decided that it's hereditary. Purchased the last of the things I need this afternoon - they'll go in tonight.
So anyway, "What is this "thing"?" I hear you ask... This'll be a little like a travel diary - but probably fairly brief (don't want to waste my time here when I can be out drifting). So, if you are bored, or just missing me like crazy, pop in, check out what I'm up to, check out the photos and drop me a comment.
Fi amanillah, barakAllahu feekum, ma'a salama, Allah hafiz.

Ya Allah, I ask You for birr and taqwaa in this journey of mine, and I ask You for deeds which please You. Ya Allah, facilitate my journey and let me cover its distance quickly. Ya Allah, You are The Companion on the journey and The Successor over all, Ya Allah, I take refuge with You from the difficulties of travel, from having a change of heart and being in a bad predicament. Ya Allah protect me and those I leave behind and grant me that which is best for me in this dunya and the akhirah.
~ Amin


Unknown said...

how bot MYYYY ethnicity!!
inshaALLAH kheir luc! and be patience with the arabs!! if u cant stand them here, they wont be much better there! its where they came from ;)
so inshaALLAH kheir in every respect for ur journey!!!

Anonymous said...

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu ya ukthil kareema!

Oh my Allaah, u're going jordaaaaaan :-0 mashaa'Allaah! Why didn't u tell me earlier :(...gonna miss u lots! May Allaah azza'wa jal make ur journey a safe & beneficial one, aameen! Haveee lots of fun bubz and plz keep me, my family and all of the muslimeen in ur du'aas while travelling-inshaa'Allaah!

May Allaah keep you firm, aameen.

Wassalamu alaikum wr. wb.
Yasmin <3 Yinjabi

Narz said...

Salamz sis, well i have just signed up as you can see not very good at this but really wanted to leave you a comment and keep in touch,Im sorry we never got the chance to get together before you left my life has been really hectic and crazy these past few weeks. Insha'allah your journey goes well and successful so keep in touch! let me know wen u get this Love you and Miss you,your sis always MWA

umm khadija said...

ass. wr. wb
alhamdulilah all is well. insha allah you recieve all your baggage when you arrive in jordan. (",) and insha allah your window buddy doesnt talk too much (who knows it might end up like the person at thai hutt) BE PATIENT, and may allah make this journey a sucessful one for you in this life and in the next. try not to be too fussy with the food remember your going to be starving when you get there...

and yes khadija is missing you.